The Unknown

It is the fear of not knowing that is keeping you from the greatest things in life. It is the surrender to the unknown that you will gain the power of knowing everything. So let go of wanting to know everything and how everything should be. The unknown is beyond the knowing of the mind.  The unknown is gracious, patient, and most surprisingly, full of magic. 

- Mitzy Tan

Soul Journey Programs

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to any healing journey. Instead, powerful and effective tools are combined to elevate oneself, fostering more authentic relationships. The Soul Journey programs offer a personalized coaching system encompassing three modalities, supporting your awakening journey to deepen your relationship with yourself and others. These sessions provide immersive experiences into the mind-body connection through movement, meditation, and self-inquiry, facilitating both personal and collective transformation. My program is usually for a minimum of one month, this is to aid the body and nervous system to reset in a natural way and get used to living an elevated version of Self.

The programs are crafted to gently guide participants towards profound self-discovery and healing process, discover more below.

Connection to Self

Connection to Self is a 4-week online program designed for individuals seeking consistent weekly practice and deeper self-awareness. Through this transformative journey, participants will learn how to process their emotions constructively and discover their true selves. This program also fosters more authentic connections with others. We meet once a week over a video call in a safe, supportive space where participants can fully express themselves. Each session includes meditation, deep self-inquiry, and somatic experiencing and movement, tailored to promote profound personal growth and balance. As your coach, I am dedicated to guiding you every step of the way and accessible through WhatsApp for additional support outside of our weekly meetings.

  • €1299

  • Online via video call

  • Over 4 weeks of once-a-week video call

Deep Dive

Deep Dive is a 6-week program tailored for those committed to their awakening journey and resetting their nervous system. Meeting either in-person or online twice weekly, we engage in energetic work and somatic healing to clear emotional blockages and promote trauma healing. Each session, whether in-person with Tibetan bowl sound healing or online with practical trauma healing tools, provides a transformative experience that alleviates anxiety, deepens mind-body connections, and relieves chronic pain. Sessions are designed to ensure profound personal growth and emotional release. Participants are supported outside of meetings via email or WhatsApp for additional guidance and assistance.

  • €2599

  • Online via video call or in person

  • Over 6 weeks of twice-weekly sessions

Understand Your Depths

Introducing Understand Your Depths, a unique one-day program designed for those seeking a profound experience through plant medicine. Over four transformative hours, participants will be lightly induced with plant medicine to enter a theta state, an optimal state of rest where deep energetic work can be done. This journey is for those ready to see the truths of life through the guidance of Consciousness. The session takes place in a safe, supportive space where participants can fully express their emotions. To ensure safety and integration, there are two follow-up calls or in-person appointments over the next two weeks, providing both physical and emotional support. This program is tailored for brave souls ready to dive into the depths of their being and uncover the truths as the journey of the Self unfolds.

  • €528

  • In-person during the plant medicine ceremony and 2 integration calls or in-person appointments after the session over 2 weeks.

  • 1 day for 4 hours

Sound Healing

Experience the profound benefits of private 1-on-1 sound healing therapy. Each hour-long session, recommended weekly, promotes better sleep quality by relaxing tension in the body, making it highly suitable for those suffering from insomnia, depression, and anxiety. The therapy also aids in nervous system regulation and enhances focus. Using high-quality Tibetan sound bowls tuned to specific frequencies, the sessions help put the brain in a theta state, facilitating optimal rest for the body. During this state, the body's cells rearrange themselves into patterns close to the frequency of nature, speeding up healing. Conducted in the comfort of your private space, these sessions offer a deeply restorative experience that supports overall well-being.

  • €120

  • In-person at the comfort of your private space

  • 1 hour

In search of ways to manage my lifelong anxiety and chronic pain, I pursued teacher’s training in yoga, somatic movement, meditation, and sound healing in Bali and the Himalayas. Each discipline revealed how I had been living a life misaligned with my true self. This journey led me to understand the workings of my nervous system and its cellular effects.

Sound healing with Tibetan Sound Bowls offers a luxurious relaxation experience for the nervous system. Simply lie down and receive the nourishing vibrations, which uniquely rearrange your cells to align with nature's frequency—a profound reset for your nervous system and cellular health.